Another year, another win at Brooky. Thank goodness we don't go there for at least another year #proudtobeabulldog
— Mel (@lil_mel6) March 4, 2016
Great win for the boys #proudtobeabulldog
— Aj Edmonds (@EdmondsAj) March 6, 2016
Well done j Moz a centurion #proudtobeabulldog \ud83d\udcaf\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udca5\ud83d\udd1d\ud83d\udea8\ud83d\ude92♨️ \ud83c\udf6a\ud83d\udc4d\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\udf40❤️\ud83d\udce2\ud83d\udce3\ud83c\udf79\ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf7b\ud83c\udf7a\ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udcb0\ud83d\udc1c
— Marley Munchie (@marley_munchie) March 6, 2016
I must admit I am proud of the #proudtobeabulldog ranking on Twitter last year. Wouldn't expect anything less this year @NRL_Bulldogs \ud83d\udc99
— its☀️NikkiG (@nikgii) March 7, 2016
so proud of our boys! good job to both teams, hell of a game \ud83d\ude08#proudtobeabulldog \ud83d\udc99
— brookee (@brookee_37) March 5, 2016
It's the best feeling waking up after a win #proudtobeabulldog
— Ben Wallwood (@benny11997) March 4, 2016
What a way to start the season last night @NRL_Bulldogs! Thanks @joshreynolds9 for delivering on the promise of a win \ud83c\udfc9 #proudtobeabulldog
— Rove and Sam (@RoveAndSam) March 4, 2016
The @NRL_Bulldogs proved a lot of the "experts" wrong tonight..Mighty effort, keep it up champs #proudtobeabulldog
— Proud Bulldog Fan (@GT351_JONS) March 4, 2016
My 3 2 1 points
— Anna (@spannaforce) March 4, 2016
3 Graham 2 Reynolds 1 jackson#proudtobeabulldog
Happy with the first @NRL_Bulldogs win for the season. Lots of positives to start. Hoping for many more to come! #proudtobeabulldog
— William Chau (@will_chau) March 4, 2016
The boys look happy! #proudtobeabulldog
— Bulldogs Fans (@NRLBulldogsFans) March 4, 2016
A fantastic start to 2016 @NRL_Bulldogs! Now to show this level of intensity every week #proudtobeabulldog #NRLManlyBulldogs
— Christi (@bulldogsqueen) March 4, 2016
THE DOGS ARE HAVING A PARTYYY \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89 #proudtobeabulldog
— Courtney (@court_knee97) March 4, 2016