Each year during the month of April, Time4Kids events are held across Australia as part of National Youth Week and today Bulldogs five-eight Josh Reynolds did time to stop youth crime.
Time4Kids is a great opportunity for everyone to get involved in a very worthy cause, where communities coming together with state Police to help their local PCYC raise funds and awareness for issues faced by Australia’s youth.
As part this initiative people from all walks of life, from CEO’s to our sporting heroes are locked up and “Do Time to Stop Youth Crime”. Under the close watch of a local Police officer, volunteer detainees are put away in pretend goal cells and must raise their bail through donations before being set free.
We caught up with Bulldogs five-eight Josh Reynolds who was locked up at Canterbury Leagues Club, where he spent time in stripes to raise awareness for a cause that is very close to home.
“I grew up in Belmore and I had mates who visited the local PCYC and for some youth it’s hard growing up and your parents aren’t there to guide you. So having a place to visit like the PCYC, is great for these kids and a chance to put them in the right direction,” said Reynolds.
Josh is hoping that he will be able to make bail before the trip across the Tasman for Sundays game against the New Zealand Warriors at Eden Park. To get involved click HERE and dig deep to help Josh Reynolds raise funds to stop youth crime – every dollar counts!
All proceeds raised will be put towards youth development and crime prevention programs within the local community, where our youth will be taught invaluable life skills in a safe and supportive environment.